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Storing Potatoes

Store potatoes in a cool, dark place that is well ventilated.
Optimum temperature for storing potatoes is 45 to 50°F.
Do not freeze potatoes.

Potatoes stored below 40°F will develop a sweet taste, due
to the conversion of starch to sugar, which will cause
potatoes to darken when cooked.

Avoid prolonged exposure to light, which causes potatoes
to turn green and causes a bitter flavor.

Refrigerate any leftover potatoes within 2 hours of cooking.
For more information about potatoes, visit the websites below.

Potato Goodness
Consumer information, recipes, and nutrition.

US Potato Board
Website of the United States Potato Board. Provides marketing
and research to the potato industry.

National Potato Council
Non-profit trade association that works for the well-being of the
potato industry in the U.S. on federal issues.
Prepping Potatoes

Cut potatoes can be stored in cold
water before cooking to prevent
discoloration. To prevent loss of some
of the potatoes' water-soluble
nutrients, potatoes should not sit in
water for longer than 2 hours.

Wash potatoes carefully. Scrub gently
with a vegetable brush, if cooking with
skins on. Be sure to trim off any
sprouts or green areas before cooking.
Copyright © 2008  Discovery Garden's
Potatoes are good for you!

One medium size potato (148g / 5.3 oz):
- provides 45% of the daily value for Vitamin C
- provides 18% of the daily value for Potassium
- has only 110 calories
- is cholesterol free!